GET A COPY of Book 4 of The Omega Children Series

GET A COPY of Book 4 of The Omega Children Series

The Omega Children have fought and won every battle so far, but can they defeat an army? If so, how and at what cost to their innocence and powers?

Having destroyed the Magna Purgo, and figuring their mission is nearly over, an army lands ashore and begins invading New Wakefield, bringing the danger and threat-level to unprecedented heights.

Ari and Melaleuca gravitate toward each other, opposing Lexington and Quixote. The path of force and naked power cries out to Melaleuca to unleash it, and Lexington struggles to convince her to follow the gentle path - the path of play - the one they have been trained to follow.

Can they put aside their strong personalities, unite and fight back without fighting - or will division result in defeat?

The deep secret hidden in the Golgothic Southern Wasteland is revealed as the Delphi Oracle. it provides conflicting visions for the army, the Ori, the High Overlord, Melaleuca and Lexington - sending them headlong into conflict which they are all convinced will go their own way.

Here's What Some Readers Had to Say...

"Listed a a young adult book, sorry but I'm 63 years old and have been reading Sci Fi since I was 12. This is an excellent read and keeps you immersed in the story. Can't wait to get books 2 & 3.."

Glen Goudy

"It's rare I ready a fiction more than once... Harry Potter was the other ones I read again. This book was fun and hard to put down. Can't wait for the next books. I can sense this is just the beginning of a very deep story.
Highly recommended."


The Omega Children – "The Delphi Oracle" is the 4th book in a semi-fantasy, action-adventure series featuring subterfuges, secret passages, costumes of power, strange beings, and a madman hell bent on revenge.

If you like hard to put down, fast paced mysteries, with engaging plot twists revealed only as the characters discover them, and a complex story line, then you will love Shane A. Mason’s compelling Omega Children Series.


I always love hearing from readers. All feedback greatly accepted. Drop me a line.


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